Attention to the senses

At the previous point of interest we have seen beautiful views, but from now on the landscape gives us the opportunity to enjoy with the other senses of the wonderful jewels of this wonderful environment.

If you touch the sculpture that you will find on the right of the road, you will discover the material used by the artist. Would you guess the animal following the silhouette of the sculpture? The key is in the peak! Let's see if we found another sculpture along the way.

Look at the trees now. We know that oak gives acorns, but in those trees we see other round structures hanging and falling on the ground. If you take that soft but hard ball in your hand, you realize it's not a fruit. But what is it? It's Kukusagarra. A structure created by the tree itself to defend itself from wasp stings for laying eggs on the branches. Inside, the larva of this wasp feeds and develops protected with this tissue, and after the metamorphosis opens a small hole and flies out... Curious, right?

Do you know the Madroños? Maybe you've proven its fruit, the Madonna. They can only be eaten when the color is red, but it is not advisable to eat more than one, as the alcohol produced with the fermentation of the sugar can cause headache. It blooms when the fruits of the previous year arrive. Eye-catching, no?

Have you noticed that with the warm environment you notice more the smell of the plants? If we breathe deeply as we go through the humid and gloomy places in the park, we'll realize where the bay leaf is. This odor rubs insects, but the leaves have been greatly appreciated for years in the kitchen and as medicinal herbs. Flowering occurs between the months of February and May, and if we look carefully we can observe different flowers in different specimens, as the sexes are spread. So, to what extent will the birds come to eat fruits like the Azeitun that will come out in the fall?

And since we've talked about birds, we can't escape here without hearing. Let's see if we're able to hear from these birds.







Green pito

Turk tortola


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