Iñurritza Canal and Fresh Salt Water

In this area we will enter the bank of the Iñurritza River and we will find excellent poultry lookouts.

In Zarautz we call the “canal” to the area where the bridge is located, even if in principle it is not. Here comes the river Iñurritza, after collecting the waters of the streams formed on the slopes of the Garate, Indamendi and Pagoeta mountains.

The river transports eroded materials from nearby mountains on a slope rainwater slope, especially mud and clays, and as the slope decreases in this area, suspended materials accumulate in the bottom as the stream water speed decreases. When the tide goes up, the river's fresh water mixes with sea-salt water, resulting in flat clay areas. This is how these unique ecosystems emerge, the marshes.

That's why this field will always look different. It will vary greatly on the same day depending on the tidal flow and the river’s water flow. Now salt water, now sweet, then salted… Before underwater, now above… Are there beings who can live in those special conditions? Yes, some plants are able to withstand salinity or live in or without water!

In addition, the tide brings a lot of invertebrate living things: shellfish, molluscs, bugs… Although we don’t see them in sight, for birds this is like a Michelin star restaurant! Many birds are gathered here, as we are also gathered in the snack or in the poteo at Barren Square and on Patxiku Street! To capture these delicious dishes, they must be introduced into clayey lands and searched at the bottom of the limes. For that they have long legs and beaks! And that's why they're called neighboring birds.

These environments are true havens for many animals, but from this viewpoint you can frequently observe the damage caused by man in the marsh, especially those related to leisure activities. What happens here with birds looking for calmly food, especially in summer, when people come to swim in the marsh, surf padel or piragua, or play with the dog?

In particular, our pets can cause serious damage, as during the game they drive away or stress birds. Special care must be taken in the spring, as many of the protected birds living in the marsh are growing. The dogs in our charge can avoid incubators, as they drive away the birds. Street cats can swallow birds or eggs found in the cabin.

As we have already mentioned in the first dune, here too there are invasive plants, especially spiders. Throughout the tour you will see them there and here. Both the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Blue Green Environmental Ring project of the City of Zarautz are managing these naineras.

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